Submental fullness, more commonly known as a double chin, is a surprisingly common concern for many people as they age. If this feature makes you feel self-conscious, you may want to consider the KYBELLA® treatment. This is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that kills the fat cells in the neck area permanently, and it is offered at Marta Recasen’s MediSpa in Glendale, CA. KYBELLA® is a good option for patients wanting a gradual improvement to their facial profile with the result of a younger and thinner appearance.
KYBELLA® utilizes synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is actually found naturally in your body and is involved with the breakdown and absorption of fat. By strategically injecting a synthetic version of the acid into the chin, unwanted fullness can be eliminated from that area. Once the fat is destroyed, it is flushed out from the cells by the body. The number of injections per treatment and the overall number of treatment sessions will vary, but for most people, it will not need to be repeated once optimal results have been achieved. During a personalized consultation, a treatment plan will be created for you to determine the number of sessions needed.
In addition to being a very effective treatment for double chin, KYBELLA® offers several other benefits:
KYBELLA® is only approved for adults aged 18 and over. To determine whether this treatment is your solution to getting rid of your double chin, make an appointment at Dr. Marta Recasen’s MediSpa in Glendale, CA today. We can provide you with a consultation for the KYBELLA® treatment as well as other cosmetic treatments that may be more appropriate for giving you the results you want.