CoolSculpting vs Sculpsure

Aug 15, 2018

Having excess fat that you can’t get rid of with a healthy diet and exercise can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes no matter how are we try, it just doesn’t go away. That doesn’t mean you have to live with it for the rest of your life though. SculpSure and CoolSculpting may be just what you need to get rid of that stubborn fat! Can’t decide which one is best for you? Don’t fret! We are here to help guide you in the right direction!

How do CoolSculpting and SculpSure work?

While CoolSculpting and Sculpsure are different, they both use a similar principals- —changing the temperature of fat cells in order to permanently destroy the cells. While both are similar, they each take a different approach. approach. CoolSculpting works by making fat cells too cold. SculpSure, heats fat cells beyond the point of viability.

CoolSculpting draws the tissue in the targeted area into the applicator device. The device applies suction while cooling the area, causing the fat cells to freeze. Since the frozen cells are no longer useful, your body naturally clears them away. Once these dead cells are removed, the treated area appears smoother and more contoured. Pretty nice right?!

SculpSure is also used to treat targeted areas of stubborn body fat like love handles, saddlebags, and belly fat. SculpSure uses flat applicators that are placed on the treatment area. A laser is used to heat the fat cells in the targeted area that eventually kill the cells. Don’t worry, you won’t feel the heat on your skin because cooling plates are used during the treatment keeping your skin at a comfortable, cool temperature!

Are there side effects?

With any treatment, side effects are to be expected. It’s important to speak with Dr. Marta prior to treatment so that she knows what your overall health goals are prior. Everyone’s body is different which means treatments affects us all differently. Coolsculpting and Sculpsure do not require any surgery and therefore there are no scars. They do not require any general anesthesia or local anesthesia. There are no needles involved in either procedure.

With CoolSculpting, patients may experience sensations strong pulling or tugging from the suction device, but typically these subside after about 7 minutes of cooling. You also may experience some redness, mild swelling, and occasional bruising but this will all subside quickly!

With SculpSure you may experience some warming with higher intensities of heat but this is immediately followed by a brief period of cooling. During the treatment there is some tingling and for some patients a sensation of cramping depending on the intensity of the treatment. Although it’s less than CoolSculpting, you still may experience some redness and bruising.

Book Now!

Are you ready to fight that stubborn fat and want to know if Coolsculpting or Sculpsure are right for you? Schedule a consultation at Dr. Marta Recasens’ Medispa!

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