Do you have acne scars on your face or body from old acne outbreaks? Most people affected by acne have some residual scarring and are forever searching for scar removal treatment. If acne is a common problem affecting teenagers and adults alike, so are many treatments available on the market claiming they are useful for skin rejuvenation. Unfortunately, most aren’t, and people continue displaying the scars on their skin.
People would do better if they seek laser acne scar removal to reduce the appearance of the scars and minimize the pain they cause. Laser treatments for acne don’t entirely remove the spots but undoubtedly help to enhance the appearance of the individual seeking the treatment.
Laser treatments for acne scar removal work in two different ways.
Firstly the PicoSure laser removes the top layer of the skin where the scarring is visible. The removal of the top layer gives your skin a smoother appearance leaving the scar less visible. With the scar tissue breaking, new healthy skin cells are encouraged to grow by the heat and light from the laser. The area being treated by the heat of the laser is flooded with blood to reduce the inflammation by targeting the blood vessels in the scar. Both treatments make the spots look less raised and red by giving them a tinier appearance. The laser also promotes the healing of the skin.
The PicoSure is the only laser available for multiple aesthetic treatment applications. The lasers flash incredibly fast to minimize the amount of heat and create a photomechanical effect that is incredibly useful for removing unwanted pigments.
Instead of choosing any acne scar removal treatment, your cause is served better if you contact medical spa Glendale, CA, to request laser acne scar removal treatments. The treatment is entirely safe and will not leave you with any side effects or damage to the surrounding skin. You can confidently obtain the treatment to remove acne scars on your face or other parts of your body.
It would be best if you had realistic expectations when considering any cosmetic procedure. It helps to remember laser treatments won’t remove acne scars entirely but make them less noticeable. You must consult with the practitioner offering the treatment to understand whether the treatment is suitable for your condition.
If you are prepared to undergo the treatment, you must begin the preparations by making some lifestyle changes. The changes may entail giving up smoking for at least two weeks before the procedure, using no skincare products containing retinol for a similar period, and refraining from taking aspirin or blood thinners for two weeks before the treatment.
If you are using any over-the-counter medications for acne, you must temporarily stop using them ahead of laser treatment. If you are prone to cold sores, the doctor prescribes preventive antibiotics as a remedy.
The petitioners at medical spa Glendale, CA, are board-certified dermatologists who provide the best treatment in the area to get over your concerns of acne scars. You can shop around and speak to different providers to determine which treatment is suitable for you and whether the therapy offered fits into your budget.
Laser scar removal treatments are not over-the-counter procedures that you find from any drugstore or pharmacy. Insurance providers don’t cover laser treatments for acne scar removal. The average cost of the treatment for ablative skin surfacing is around $ 2000 and $ 1100 for non-ablative skin surfacing. The cost of the treatment depends on many factors, including:
Laser acne scar removal has been around for quite some time and has delivered verified results for many people. These treatments require a one-time investment to reduce the scars on your body, showing visible results. Unlike over-the-counter products, the treatments need frequent purchases and repeated application without credible results visible for months or years. Therefore if you want to remove acne scars once for all, you must choose a treatment authenticated by the American Society of plastic surgeons.